Thoughts on a New Year

I know -it's one of the oldest cliches out there, this thing about getting into a morose and reflective mode on New Year's day.  But I am a creature of habit (some of them really bad, bordering on the neurotic) and making resolutions has been part of the annual routine.  Last year I made an extra effort to ensure that at least some, if not most, of my resolutions would get fulfilled.  I made the list as the  wallpaper of the PC at work and wrote them on the first pages of my planner - I never got through a day when I didn't get reminded of the things I swore I would do in 2015.  Did it work?  To some extent, yes.  I did try to walk at least 10,000 steps a day and tried as much as possible NOT TO EAT MEAT, the operative word being "tried."  But hey, the results of the my blood tests have been consistently good, so I guess I did get some headway in 2015 insofar as sticking to the resolutions.

I haven't gotten around to doing the list for 2016.   I need to think some more; I figured I have until Monday to finalize.  I would think that majority of those that were in my 2015 list need to be sustained - particularly those that were directly related to health issues such as setting certain targets for weight and health metrics.  But maybe I should make more effort to relax more this year, and maybe do some traveling.  Perhaps a trip to the USA is a good idea this year, eh?

I spent a great part of the first day of 2016 doing what I thought I should have done more of in 2015, which was 1) reading - I tried to catch up on my reading; 2) getting organized - I cleaned up the mountain of papers on my study desk and sorted through the stuff that I bring to work and school everyday; 3) and cleaning up my inboxes and PCs.  I am bared halfway in all three priority areas, but I hope to at least get real headway before Monday, January 4.

Of course I checked my news feed in FB, although quite frankly, I got a bit flustered at the seemingly endless parade of buffet tables.  Did we really stuff ourselves silly last night??? Apparently posting pictures of what people had for their media noche is the new normal although I must admit I may have inadvertently encouraged some people to do just that with my post on how a long-missed fruit from my childhood (a red bell-shaped fruit called tambis in Leyte) ended up as the most special item in our New Year fruit basket.  Well, I truly hope the bountiful tables become portent of what is in store for all of us in 2016; may there be fewer hungry people in the year ahead.



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