
Was it the partial eclipse or is it really in our genes?

There's been this slew of overreactions from a number of people lately.

There's that infamous emotional harakiri done by the irrepressible Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago the other day. She has apologized, of course, but the harm has been done. But then again, I guess that's the kind of behavior we have come to expect of her anyway.

And then there was all that speculative drivel about how Obama's warning for dictators and corrupt world leaders was directed at Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as if the Philippines is high up there in Obama's list of priorities; or worse, as if national shame and embarrassment on the global stage at one of the most widely-watched events, is preferable. I found it really amusing how we seemed to have automatically taken credit for the infamy, almost volunteered for it in fact.

Worse, we seem to have appointed Ziggy ("We're all doomed." "It's not going to work!") at the helm of the Department of Labor and Employment. Marianito Roque has been whining in the media in the last few days about the loss of jobs and predicting all kinds of worst case doomsday scenario for the labor sector. IS THIS GUY THE SECRETARY OF LABOR OR WHAT? Anyway, that's what my column tomorrow is all about.

So it seems that Prosecutor Resado may have taken a bribe after all. What galls me is the overreaction of our legislators.

They were downright BASTUS, condescending, mean and cruel. Like everyone else, I think Resado was lying through the skin of his teeth. He is guilty as hell. But what I find appalling is the way our legislators are huffing and puffing and being sanctimonious! The alleged 800k that Resaso got as a bribe is a mere pittance to what our legislators receive, for crying out loud! And most of it, as Senator Santiago revealed during the last campaign, is being passed off as legal.

Over talaga!


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