MLQ has written a more scholarly and authoritative piece about this in a recent PDI column, but I just can not help but add my personal outrage over the way the national flag is being brazenly desecrated in our thoroughfares today.
I was driving along Taft Avenue in Manila this morning and was extremely horrified at the extent to which the Philippine flag has been so desecrated by the City of Manila. I have never ever seen such brazen and wanton disrespect for our national symbol! All along the length of Taft Avenue today, flags are carelessly and haphazardly nailed on the concrete posts that support the LRT. In some cases, the flag is not even nailed but pierced through on all four corners with metal wires and spread like an ordinary streamer. And many of the flags were directly exposed to rain - picture the combination of rainwater, pollution, exhaust, etc., and you can imagine the grimy state of the flags.
Where did this people get the
I am told that the disrespect extends all the way up to the borders of Kalookan and Pasay and that there is a Philippine flag on each LRT post.
I just can not fathom ho
(The pictures were taken using my cellphone while driving along Taft Avenue. There were more flags in more pitiful state, but I was in a moving vehicle so I could only take pictures of the ones close to an intersection during a red light).
Couldn't those people who put up those flags assign people to just look after them be it a tanod, streetsweeper, students, whoever who can be made responsible to make sure that those flag that they put up are not left to get entangled.
On my blog, I posted a photo of how our flag was really desecrated. http://buhaypinoy.wordpress.com/2006/05/06/di-na-naawa/ There are many more of these kinds where we, as a people, never really took our flag seriously.
But in my opinion, our flag is that only thing that we have that can unite us as a people. This is the only thing where we can all rally around. This is our symbol. So let us take our flag more seriously. I would even encourage the display of our flag not just during Independence Day celebrations but the whole year round. In displaying our flag, we must treat it with respect and dignity. The way we treat our flag is simply a reflection of us as a people, a people having no self respect, lacking morale and disunited.