Daggy Manilow as deterrent

My word for the day: daggy. The word refers to something unfashionable or lacking style. In other words, uncool; or in Tagalog – baduy!

I can not imagine what Barry Manilow and his legion of fans around the world are thinking and feeling right now. According to a Reuters dispatch (which was published in some papers today) officials in one Sydney (Australia) district have decided to play Manilow’s music over loudspeakers in a car park where “car hoons” congregate. “Car hoons” are people with “antisocial cars” – you know, those souped-up cars with verrrry loud engines and eardrum-shattering music that go duhg-duhg-duhg. These car hoons annoy residents and drive customers away from the restaurants and shops near the car park. Naturally, people also avoid parking their cars near them.

We actually have some off these car hoons in Metro Manila. And I must admit that while I do not have anything against their taste for cars or sense of style (anyone should be allowed to to paint fire images on their cars, or paint it pink if they want to) I do find it annoying when they begin revving up their engines and begin playing those pulsing music that transforms their car into a mammoth speaker. I used to have a neighbor with a car like that, and there were nights when I felt like hurling the entire living room set in the direction of his car when he would get the urge to show off his car; which fortunately was not so often.

But to go back to the story, the theory is that these people will find Barry Manilow music so uncool that they will move elsewhere. Thus, “daggy Manilow.”

Apparently, the experiment has a precedent. They were able to successfully drive away teenage loiterers from a shopping center several years ago by playing Bing Crosby music over and over again.

I think everyone above 30 must have gone through a Barry Manilow period in their lives.
I grew up to Barry Manilow music. One of the most worn-out vinyl albums in the house was Barry Manilow’s (along with the Bee Gees, The Carpenters, and America). This is the reason why I could actually sing along to some Manilow songs when they are played, which is not to say that I will go out of my way to play and listen to Barry Manilow.

But I do know some people who think Barry Manilow is a God and who turn to Barry Manilow music for solace and commiseration. Truly, there is no accounting for taste. Anyone up for "As Sure As I'm Standing Here...?"


Anonymous said…
That song has a special place in my heart. That was one of my mom's favorite songs. :)
Anonymous said…
Bong, since my family arrived here in Sydney a year ago, we've had our share of aussie words my kids has never heard before such as: cark it - die, pash - a kiss, plonk - cheap wine, crook - sick, Yakka - work, Galah - foolish...etc.

Their kind english always bewilders me . Anyway...B Manilow has his share of good songs like Sandra and Daybreak...I do think it would help them drive away the teen gangs in the area of Rockdale, Sydney but would be a welcome treat for 30'ish Philos (pinoys) in that district listening to Manilow's music while eating at Macker's (McDonalds) nearby.

Cheers from Sydney...
vina said…
hehe,here in our country, instead of driving people away with barry manilow music, they might even congregate, ano sa palagay mo? you know how it is with our love for overly sentimental music.

no, i'm not a barry manilow fan.

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