Philippine Daily Aggravation

After a week of bannering stories about allegations of cheating in the soon-to-be-concluded (today I think) SEA games - in the process making all of us squirm in embarrassment at the innuendoes, the Philippine Daily Inquirer today run jubilant news stories about how Filipino athletes are accumulating gold medals in the games. Huh? Suddenly, the newspaper is riding on the bandwagon. The Filipinos are great once again.

Practically all week PDI gave front page honors to anyone with scandalous stories to tell about how the games are being rigged in favor of the Philippines. Allegations being made by Thailand were given more prominence than countless real stories of the heroism and courage of Pinoy athletes.

I watched many of the games this week on TV - I watched how the female volleyball team trounced Indonesia. This is a sport where we have never been good at traditionally and it is a wonder to see how our female players are comparing against the other countries. From bowling, to tennis, to athletics, to taekwando, to boxing... I saw on TV how Filipino athletes worked hard and gave it their all for country.

I can't blame Thailand for being such a spoilsport. But I do find it offensive that the newspaper I subscribe to seemed to take on Thailand's side last week.


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