A Christmas Letter

There are certain things that I look forward to every Christmas: opening gifts on Christmas morning (yes, I open all my presents on Christmas day itself), receiving friends and relatives who invariably drop by on Christmas day, and reading Christmas letters from some people who have made it a tradition to send profound and thought-provoking letters every year instead of a mere Christmas card, to mention a few.

Every year, I have always intended to write my own Christmas letter as a way of greeting the friends and people that matter in my life. Sadly, I haven't really been able to do that - either because I have never felt satisfied with whatever it was that I have started writing, or because the Christmas rush has overtaken the intent. I know, I know, I really should not think of it as a serious literary attempt. But well, there is always something that gets in the way of good intentions.

And so this year, since I have started writing this blog anyway, I have decided to break the annual "exercise in futility." So if I got to write my Christmas letter this year, it would be something link what follows.

There is something about Christmas that touches the heartstrings of our lives. Despite the growing commercialism and the increasing preoccupation with all things material, there are still many, many things about Christmas that remain strongly bound to tradition...trimming the Christmas tree, partaking of familiar dishes at the Noche Buena table, singing Christmas carols, even wrapping gifts - all these and more are simple activities laden with deep personal meaning. We do these because they kindle a fire within each one of us, and before we know it, there is a warmth that radiates from each one hopefully touching every other person that we come in contact with.

Perhaps it is true then. Christmas keeps us in touch with our humanity; reminding us that deep down inside, there is a yearning and a hunger that only real affection can fill.

And so therefore, as we bask in the warmth and glow of the season, it is my hope that we find real meaning and fulfillment in the celebration.

May our hearts and souls overflow with love and affection from kith and kin.

Merry Christmas, everyone!


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