More than what I needed to know

I came to know about the latest wrinkle on Kris Aquino's life last Friday at the birthday party of my best friend. I was amazed to discover that on something so private, there was just so much that was known to people outside of showbiz. From the snippets that I got last Friday, the marriage is allegedly going through a major crisis supposedly because James had an affair with someone who works at this business chain known for cosmetic enhancements.

I've written about Kris Aquino in this blog before. Actually, the post was really more about that magazine (K) that is a copycat of Oprah's O magazine. Along the way, people got the impression that I am rabidly anti-Kris. There's this Kris Aquino fan that continues to leave messages in this blog accusing me of being envious and jealous of her (or his) idol. I normally wouldn't mind publishing the comments if only this fan does not have this notorious habit of repeating the comments - as in this fan repeats the same comment 5 or 6 times at any given time.

Just to set the record straight: I do not hate Kris Aquino. I think that she has a lot of growing up to do and that she has serious issues - but I do not hate her. In fact, I have a secret fascination with "the Kris Aquino phenomenon" - she has become hugely successful simply by being herself, no apologies, no excuses. She is what she is and that's the secret of her success.

And so because today is one of the rare times I was home on a Sunday afternoon, I decided to tune in to The Buzz to see what the fuss was all about. So just a few minutes ago, I caught Kris Aquino's heart wrenching attempt to explain her side and to justify "why she is still in the marriage."

In summary, this was what Kris said:

1. She felt compelled to tell the truth about the state of her marriage because her credibility as a gossip show host would be put in great doubt if she herself does not come out with the truth.

2. James did something (he later appeared on the show, apologized publicly and swore that he will not do "it" again) - apparently, he did have an affair with someone. He has ended it and that the couple has decided to forgive each other and try to make things work.

3. The Aquinos have also forgiven James.

4. The Filipino people have no right to judge their marriage because the only opinions that truly count in the marriage was theirs - hers and James's.

Okay. So that's it.

Kris is correct in saying that people should not judge her or James or their marriage, or how they intend to fix their union. Her marriage is a private matter and quite frankly, it is no one's business but theirs.

Unfortunately, her message is lost in translation. For someone who does not want others to make a judgment, her actions and the mouthful she revealed today just gave license for people not only to speculate further, but to judge.

She's the one who spewed all the gory and unnecessary details. She's the one who indicated where the fault was. What's more, she is the one who tried to justify why she is still in the marriage.

Still, it would be really really mean not to wish her well in her marriage. But if she really wants her marriage to work, there's actually a better way: she simply has to stop making it a public issue.

I sincerely wish James, Kris, Joshua and Baby James well. May they find the happiness that they crave for.


Nelson said…
I loathe Kris Aquino, and I've been wondering why. Is it because of her willingness to sensationalize her otherwise unremarkable life? Is it because of an unresolved pain that she lost her dad when she was young?

But yes I do agree with you--and I see it now--she just needs to grow up.

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